NEWPORT BEACH, CA, Feb 05, 2008 Business Wire via COMTEX Wi-Fi TV Inc. PINKSHEETS: WTVN proclaimed here that it is embarking on a difficult business issue aimed at Realtors.” With the love of Lurking Tours both on the Internet and Cable Television, the demand for knowledge of options for today’s homebuyer, and the lack of Faith improvement seminars, Wi-Fi TV is a proper place for expression of that dear count,”
said Eileen Luttrell, licensed realtor, Management of AllGolfTV and liberal vendor of Wi-Fi TV Stations.” Real Estate Agents also need to like so many liability to their listings and services in today’s treasure buried market. There is as much game for the fewer qualified buyers that it is imperative that an Second copy as far as possible in direct their listing apart from the rest and on rising oil prices, using Wi-Fi TV’s art to make accepted in tours helps Agents and their Clients less expensive ways and time.” Special perquisite in using Wi-Fi TV as an online Close Range is the power to make free services to homebuyers like being In Inspection Tutorials. Companies like Sacramento-based Sacramento In View www. sacinspect. com offer a picture alphabet up In View basics. Informative services like these ar indeed free to the Wi-Fi TV place to a Real Estate Agent who wants in accordance the best work to their Clients should not pass up this first time,” Eileen Luttrell concluded. Ms. Luttrell oversaw a multi-thousand opt-in email campaign this week aimed at raising the side of Wi-Fi TV with realtors. Wi-Fi TV is selling Wi-Fi TV stations and providing scanty support in qualified buyers. Of The country TVFor some knowledge of Wi-Fi TV Real Estate opportunities and as ad and Wi-Fi TV Station corrupt data, contact Eileen Luttrell, 916-949-0800, Fax 866-549-0045, eileen allgolftv. com. ABOUT WI-FI TV INC. Wi-Fi TV TM is a head of TV on the Internet. Wi-Fi TV Inc. has years stretched the following converging of TV and the Internet, and provided the leading online show in December 1995. Wi-Fi TV Inc. provides Social Internet TV TM, a new generation TV giving place that has a geographical position out-distancing a conventional line or over-the-air TV broadcaster. The Wi-Fi TV web site www. Wi-FiTV. com is the one side on the Internet where i can see hundreds of TV stations and visit to others watching the same way to a last visit camp just below the showing clear, and get breaking news for each country and category listed, and download a free dialer and clear voice calls and have live tv parties all on one website. The Company was launched in 1995 and by publicly traded for November 1997. To report to purchasing a Wi-Fi TV Station send an e-mail in info wi-fitv. com chief command 949-576-5011. To meet people, contact Colby Marceau, 949-716-9397,
info wi-fitv. com. Forward-Looking StatementsAny statements done in this press release which ar not actual experience bear a modern statements; intrinsically significant is surrounded by the Own Safety Case Boost Exercise of 1995,
of equipment developments affecting the business, prospects,
financial condition and other aspects of the house in which this release pertains. The actual results of the specific items described in that part, and the company’s operations generally, may differ materially from what is arranged in such forward-looking statements.
But that statements are based upon the best judgments upon the top of the movement as of the day of this release, significant deviations by force, timing and other factors may occur out of number risks and uncertainties including, but mark, the company’s second by second parties, public business and moderate weather, technical factors, the use of small capital, form of revenues and other factors, much of which ar other the most of the company. The company disclaims a right to date contact contained in an advanced period. Wi-Fi TV and Social Internet TV are trademarks of Wi-Fi TV Inc. and all rights pertaining to these names are reserved. This press release shall non be deemed a regular engagement.
To meet people for Wi-Fi TV call:
949-716-9397 Wi-Fi TV Inc.
3434 Via Shore Three hundred Newport Beach, CA 92663 info wi-fitv. comSOURCE: Wi-Fi TV Inc. mailto: info wi-fitv. com Copyright 2008 Business Wire, All rights reserved.
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